Jin Shin Jyutsu Online Basic Seminar with Sara Harper – June 2021 Replay


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Jin Shin Jyutsu Online Basic Seminar with Sara Harper

Class presented in English with consecutive Portuguese translation by Maria Rita Guedes

What is a 5-Day Basic Seminar?

The Basic Seminar is for those who want to study and practice Jin Shin Jyutsu and to apply the Art on themselves and others, being the testimony of this simple, profound Art of Living, made known to us by Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai.

The 5-Day Basic Seminar is the foundational course for those who want to become Authorized Practitioners of the Art, as well as continue to help themselves in maintaining or rescuing their balance/harmony on all levels. The seminar consists of two parts:

Part 1: The foundation introduces the dynamic qualities of the 26 Safety Energy Locks, the Trinity Flows, the concepts of Depths within the body, and the Physio-Philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Part 2: (prerequisite: Part 1) introduces the 12 organ flows, listening to pulses, the Special Body Flows and how these contribute to harmonizing body, mind, spirit.

  • The first two segments of class will be for lecture and textbook discussion.
  • The last hour each class day will be dedicated to Answers & Questions.
  • Includes 3 months of online replay access after completion of the course
  • No prerequisites
  • CEUS not available
  • New students are required to purchase Text 1 & 2 (Hard Copies | eBooks)


Maria do Rosário Quitério
041 995 041 042

Silvano Machado
+55 82 99608-4302

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Student Status

New Student – $980, Review Student – $686